College Grades

I can backup these grades with official documents if required.

Spring 2016 Classes


HTML Programming / Web Page Design Labs

This is my first online class. In this class I will learn about HTML. I already know some HTML which is given by the fact that parts of this website have hand coded HTML in them.

Lab Score
Getting Started TBD / 1
Introductory Assignment TBD / 10
Assignment 1 TBD / 10
Assignment 2 TBD / 10

Object Oriented Programming and Software Engineering

This class is largely theory. A lot of reading and lecture with simple coding assignments. We will be learning Design and Coding Methodologies. We will also learn about doing work for clients and using SCRUM.

Lab Score
Coding Lab 1 (Java, Strings, and Array Lists) TBD
Reading Lab 1 (Chapter 1) TBD
Coding Lab 2 (Following UML) TBD
Reading Lab 2 (Chapter 2) TBD

Systems Programming

This is a class about writing system code (non user applications). We take an in depth look at how a computer works and built from that until we are writing system code in C. I already know C, so for fun I went back to some of my Data Structures labs and implemented Linked Lists and Hash Maps in C.

Lab Score
Lab 1 (Learning C) TBD

Game Programming Foundations 2

This is a group project lab. The semester starts us off working in small groups of 2 – 4. Eventually this transitions into a class wide project. Where we make a game from scratch using Python and PyGame.

Lab Score
Lab 1 (Particle Engine) TBD
Lab 2 (Tile Map Engine) TBD / 100
Lab 3 (Platformer Game) TBD

Concepts of 3D Graphics and Math

I feel my work with Ava3D has prepared me for this class. Although the class has “concepts” in the name, we will be going much further than that. Eventually writing our own ray tracer and more.

Lab Score
Lab 1 (Basic Vector Class) 35 / 35
Lab 2 (Extended Vector Class) TBD


Fall 2015 Classes


Data Structures : Labs Required Use of Structure and Personal Implementation

I started this class knowing Java. I knew how to use Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues, but the rest was all new to me.

Lab Score
Lab 1 (Java and Object Oriented Programming) 137 / 100
Lab 2 (Linked Lists) 120 / 100
Lab 3 (Stacks + Queues) 110 / 100
Lab 4 (Binary Search Tree) 119 / 100
Lab 5 (Hash Maps + Hash Sets) 113 / 100
Lab 6 (Quad Tree) 120 / 100
Lab 7 (Heaps) 85 / 60
Lab 8 (Graphs) 127 / 100
Lab 9 (Graph Algorithms / A*) 126 / 100
Bonus Lab 1 (Huffman) 100 / 100
Bonus Lab 2 (Maze Gen) 40 / 40
Final Grade with Tests and Participation 107%

Game Programming Foundations 1 : Python + PyGame

I started this class with no knowledge of Python or PyGame. I now know quite a lot.

Lab Score
Lab 1 (Variables) 10.5 / 12 (I forgot my name) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lab 2 (Functions) 24 / 20
Lab 3 (Simple PyGame) 31 / 30
Lab 4 (Intermediate PyGame) 60 / 40
Lab 5 (Sequences + Full Simple Game) 70 / 50
Lab 6a (Modules) 36 / 35
Lab 6b (Connect 4 with AI) 35 / 25
Lab 7 (Zombie Simulation) 80 / 60
Lab 8 (Asteroids) 80 / 60
Final Grade with Tests and Participation 117%