Update 1 On The New Project

I’ve named my game engine Ava. Its currently a 2D engine built on Modern OpenGL and SDL 2.

Features (Currently)

  • 2D Sprite Engine (Proper transformations, coloring abilities, and a Camera)
  • Input Manager
  • Resource Manager
  • State Machine

To Do

  • 2D Animation Engine
  • Quad Tree (Collisions in general actually)
  • Object Pooling and Factories
  • 3D Capability (Lighting, Models)
  • (Maybe) Sprite Batching
  • (Maybe) Scene Graph

On OpenGL

I’ve done lots of reading. I understand what I’ve read, but its just hard to expand upon it without copying tutorial text. I’ve learned lots about shaders, transforms (matrices), OpenGL states, and more. I’ve had lots of fun learning and experimenting. Implementing Sprite Batching is going to be interesting. I have a Sprite Batch class, but it just calls each sprite’s render function making it more container and less graphics optimization. I haven’t gotten to the Quad Tree, Object Pooling, or Object Factories yet. I’ve been distracted by a bit of feature creep. Its is a personal project though and I still haven’t set a deadline yet so no harm done.

Deadlines and Priorities : Final Deadline (December 31st)

  1. Object Pooling and Factories
  2. Quad Tree
  3. 2D Animation Engine
  4. 3D Capability
  5. Scene Graph

I’ll report back when new info is available. I will also be uploading Ava to my Bitbucket soon.

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